Thursday, November 14, 2019

Migrain October assessment

1. WWW-A brilliant first assessment attempt it is clear to see you have a genuine strength in this subject.Please continue to attempt all work/homework to achieve your minimum target grade or even exceed this . Your response to analysing the "ill manors" and "Nike Adverts" was solid.

EBI-Revise genre theory include more subject terminology theories to gain marks.

2. I didn't critically engage the aspects of the narratives.

3.I didn`t back up the theory with an explanation.

4.I could've incorporated the names of the media theorists.

5.My strongest answer was number 1 with a total of 15 marks. I did better on this question due to it being based mainly on free flowing analysis which is my strongest area.

6.My weakest answer is question 3 due to my lack of expanding on the theories I included and explaining it further. I also shouldve incorporated subject terminology theory needed.

7. Genre is not something that can be culturally learned for example, alphabets and numbers.It is rather in constant change and repetition therefore it mediates between audience and media producers. This is supported by Buckingham who claims that 'genre is a dynamic.' Schatz explains the cycle that genre codes go through that makes it repetitive and unable to be culturally learned. Firstly, the genre code is established.Next it is repeated (classical) and then it is mocked by the audience  and finally it is deconstructed so the genre code is experimented with and creates conventions. Genre is important for the audience since Abercrombie states that genre creates a loyal audience that is committed to watching films of a specific genre which is beneficial in an economic sense. The audiences own personal preferences on what genres they watch are portrayed throughout the film which is a significant factor to take note off so the target audience is more vivid.

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