Thursday, February 13, 2020

exam LR

1.WWW-some really interesting ideas for question 1about the product acting as a code to young teenagers. Good overall understanding of media terminology and theory such as question 2 conglomerates strategies.

EBI- closer analysis for the stormy poster and focusing your attention key areas to analyse such as the Union Jack flag or bare chested image.
Also looking at the other side of the argument for question  and how some theories could be discredited such as bandoras social learning theory.

LR- see blog.

2.For question 1, I didn't mention how the gold textured colour scheme offers connotations of wealth.
FOR question 2, i didn't mention the benefit of diversitification which is that it lets companies embrace new technology and revenue.
For question 3, I didnt incorporate an against argument and one factor of this is public service broadcasting creates a market that commercial broadcasters can't compete in.

3. I would say 5 because I skimmed the notes the night before so it was not fully internalised in my brain.

4. I mentioned 2 factors and their benefits and one I could've incorporated is synergy and its benefit being how it allows copies to maximise their profits.

5. I incorporated the BBC and broadcaster and to improve my answer I could've added that public service broadcasting is regulated by ofcom which gives audience a platform to voice their opinions on the content making consumer and audience relationship more interactive and intimate.

6. Media has a lot of benefits to society but with these benefits come major issues and disadvantages such as public service broadcasting creating an unfair marketing world where commercial broadcasters can't fairly compete due to audience not wanting to pay due because of the free content they are getting. The funding model of the bbfc is also really pricey and unrealistic which means that young adults are more likely to avoid paying and therefore have less access to media that may in some ways benefit them.

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