Friday, February 28, 2020


1. The binary oppositions is represented by Nigel Farage views  that immigrants are the cause of immigration which opposes Russel Brands view that immigrants are not causing the economic crisis and that it is all a victim blaming explanation.

2.Nigel Farage ideology is that immigrants are the cause of the economic crisis whereas Russell brands ideology is that it immigrants are not the cause of the economic crisis but rather the lack of money made from public resources is causing the economic crash.


1.It is based on a district that serves the capital by punishing the poor for retaliating in disguise as "peacekeepers" and also restricting their access to food by using electrical gates around farms.

2.The view that people are subordinate and submissive to someone with a high status based on the structure of hierarchies such as the world being under the dictatorship of Mr Snow on the hunger games.

3.They suggest that the media reproduce ideologies and when they are normalised it begins to influence the audience.

1.The dominant ideologies do not stay the same when new ideologies are introduced so there are no ideologies that are kept the same throughout time.

2.People should put their families first, people should work hard for their money and women should behave in feminine ways.

3. He argued that the power
of ideology derives primarily from ideas and structures
which support, and thus serve the purpose of, an elite
social group which is able to dominate through ideas,
rather than militaristic strength or fear.

4.Common sense is is a dominant global ideology in the 21st-century West, which
constantly encourages us to want and to consume through advertising and

5.I agree with the view that we are controlled by the media because our choice of clothing, music and just general interests always differ based on the latest trends portrayed in the media. We also do rely on media and seek validation based on our life choices since the media normalises certain things and represses others.

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